Saturday, June 4, 2011

Florida's Batteaux - Old Fishing Boats

How many bushels of oysters have been harvested on these batteaux? How many storms have they survived? How many miles have they been paddled and poled?

There is a spelling debate: one or two “t’s.” The “x” also makes for an unusual plural for an English word.

My Good Ole School - U of F

I entered the University of Florida forty years ago - that hardly seems possible. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with honors. I also met this very nice young lady. I wonder whatever happened to her.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Old-Style Florida Churches

I love the old-fashioned, white clapboard Churches

The Real Florida

Florida has great state parks. Wakulla Springs State Park shows off the natural beauty of our state.

You've Got to Start Somewhere

I thought a picture of my friend Albert would make a good first blog.
The focus of my blog will be on pictures of Florida.